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Python Fundamentals and Game Development

Python Fundamentals and Game Development

Regular price $150.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $150.00 CAD
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Product Description: "Kids will explore the world of Python programming, starting with the basics and progressing into real-world coding projects! They’ll build exciting games and interactive applications while learning essential coding concepts like functions, lists, and loops. This course will help them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, taking their coding to the next level."

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Course Outline

Months 1: Intermediate Python Fundamentals

Week 1: Refresher on Python Basics

  • Quick review of Python syntax, variables, and basic operations
  • Introduction to advanced data types (tuples, dictionaries)
  • Activity: Create a program that stores and displays basic student information.

Week 2: More on Loops and Conditionals

  • Advanced use of loops (nested loops)
  • Using if/else statements in complex scenarios
  • Mini Project: Build a number guessing game with multiple difficulty levels.

Week 3: Introduction to Functions and Modular Code

  • Writing functions for reusable code
  • Passing arguments and returning values
  • Activity: Build a simple function that calculates the area of a rectangle and circle.

Week 4: Working with Lists and Dictionaries

  • Using dictionaries to store key-value pairs
  • Advanced list operations (sorting, filtering)
  • Milestone Project: Develop a program that manages a contact list with names, phone numbers, and email addresses.

Months 2: Problem Solving and Projects

Week 5: Exploring Basic File Handling

  • Introduction to reading and writing files
  • Simple programs that save and retrieve data
  • Activity: Create a program that saves a shopping list to a file and reads it back.

Week 6: Debugging and Error Handling

  • Learning to identify and fix errors in code
  • Introduction to try/except for handling errors gracefully
  • Mini Project: Build a program that asks for user input and catches invalid entries.

Week 7: Creating Small Projects Using Functions and Files

  • Using functions and file handling to build interactive programs
  • Activity: Create a “journal” app where users can add and view journal entries.

Week 8: Milestone Project

  • Project: Develop a simple “text editor” that lets users write and save notes to a file.
  • Presentation Day: Students present their text editor projects.

Months 3: Introduction to Game Logic and OOP Basics

Week 9: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Basics of classes and objects
  • Writing simple classes and methods
  • Activity: Create a “Pet” class that tracks a pet’s name, type, and favorite food.

Week 10: Using OOP in Simple Programs

  • Adding attributes and methods to classes
  • Writing simple programs using objects and classes
  • Mini Project: Build a virtual pet program that allows users to “feed” and interact with their pet.

Week 11: Introduction to Simple Game Design

  • Planning a basic game using OOP concepts
  • Using loops, conditions, and classes to structure a game
  • Milestone Project: Develop a simple “dungeon crawler” game where the player navigates through rooms, encountering different challenges.

Week 12: Final Project and Showcase

  • Review and enhance the dungeon crawler game with new features.
  • Final Presentation: Students showcase their games, explaining how OOP and game logic work.