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Introduction to Coding with Python

Introduction to Coding with Python

Regular price $150.00 CAD
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Start your coding journey with Python! This course is specially designed for young learners aged 8-10. Through fun, hands-on projects, children will be introduced to the basics of coding, developing their problem-solving skills while building their first programs. With gradual progression, they’ll move from simple projects to building their very own mini-games!

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Course Outline

Months 1: Introduction to Python Basics

Week 1: Getting Started with Python

  • Introduction to the Python interface and syntax
  • Basic concepts: variables, data types, and print statements
  • Activity: Simple “Hello, World!” and name input program.

Week 2: Arithmetic and Simple Programs

  • Basic arithmetic operations and math functions
  • Writing simple programs that perform calculations
  • Mini Project: Build a simple calculator that adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides.

Week 3: Introduction to Loops

  • Understanding for loops for repeating tasks
  • Practical examples using loops
  • Activity: Create a loop that prints a multiplication table for a chosen number.

Week 4: Introduction to Conditionals

  • If/else statements for decision-making
  • Writing simple programs that respond to conditions
  • Milestone Project: Create a guessing game where the computer selects a number, and the user tries to guess it.

Months 2: Building Interactivity with Functions and Lists

Week 5: Functions in Python

  • Introduction to functions and parameters
  • Writing and calling functions
  • Activity: Build a function that takes a name and prints a greeting.

Week 6: Working with Lists

  • Introduction to lists for storing multiple values
  • Simple operations: adding, removing, and accessing list items
  • Mini Project: Create a list of favorite items (e.g., animals or colors) and display them with a loop.

Week 7: More on Loops and Lists

  • Combining loops with lists for more dynamic programs
  • Advanced list operations and using nested loops
  • Activity: Build a program that iterates over a list of numbers and displays only even numbers.

Week 8: Simple Projects with Functions and Lists

  • Using functions and lists together to build interactive programs
  • Milestone Project: Develop a shopping list program where users can add, view, and delete items from their list.

Months 3: Introduction to Simple Games and Logic

Week 9: More Conditionals and Logical Thinking

  • Nested if statements and more complex conditions
  • Applying logical thinking to solve problems
  • Activity: Write a program that checks if a number is even or odd and prints the result.

Week 10: Introduction to Simple Game Design

  • Planning a simple game in Python
  • Using loops and conditions to create game logic
  • Mini Project: Create a basic text-based adventure where the player makes choices to progress.

Week 11: Adding Complexity with Variables and Scorekeeping

  • Storing and updating a player’s score
  • Using variables to track progress in a game
  • Activity: Add scoring functionality to the text-based adventure game.

Week 12: Final Project and Presentation

  • Review of all concepts learned
  • Final Project: Develop a complete text-based adventure game with multiple paths, scorekeeping, and a winning condition.
  • Presentation Day: Students showcase their game and explain the code logic.